Nov 2011 18

Thanks to all who made it to the Co-Founder Speed Dating! We hope you have met some interesting people and now on the road to starting a venture and to enter the CUE £1k Competition!

If you are still looking for team mates, CUE is proud to announce the launch of a trial version of the CUE Idea Marketplace, where you can post your ideas and advertisement for people to join your team.

Give it a go and let us know how it went (by commenting below)!

CUE Idea Marketplace

Oct 2011 27

Congratulations on all who submitted entries to the £100 for 100 Words Competition!

Come to find out who are the winners of £100 prizes at the first ever Cofounder Speed Dating event on Wednesday, 16th November 2011.

While you are waiting, why not join us in the Enterprise Tuesday Discussion Group after attending the Enterprise Tuesday lecture series? Or go to events organised by our sister societies like CUTEC and Beyond Profit to learn more about technology and social enterprise start ups.

And get ready for the £1K Competition!

Oct 2011 02

The Competition Handbook 2011/12 is out! Check out what’s news for this year’s competition. Make sure you’re aware of the changes this year intending to make the Business Creation Competition more accommodating and instrumental in your entrepreneurial journey than ever!

  1. A General Innovation stream is introduced to the £1k and £5k Competitions to capture all business ideas that do not fit into the current competition stream structure.
  2. £100 for 100 Words Competition entries will only be judged on one criterion: potential.
  3. There will only be one £5k Competition stage: all entrants to this sub-competition are required to submit their entries by the deadline and come to the Grand Finale to find out who the winners are.
  4. Business plans for the £5k Competition have a word limit of 2000 to 3500. Please be concise and convey your unique selling points to the judges within the word limit.
  5. Alumni of the University of Cambridge are now eligible to enter the competition given that they graduated from the University no more than 12 months.
  6. Past and current i-Teams participants are allowed to enter the £1k and £5k Competitions with the entry fee waived, provided that they obtain a letter from Amy Mokady and submit it with their entries.
Sep 2011 16

An experienced judge for the software and web stream, Neil Davidson from RedGate Softwares, “rants” about what a judge would like to see in a winning business plan submitted for the CUE Business Creation Competition.

Sep 2011 15

The Annual Review is out! Check out the winners of last year’s Business Creation Competition and find out how you can become one!

Come pick up the hard copies at the Grand Launch!