Looking for teammates to carry out your next big venture?

Post the following information in the comments section.

* A brief description of your idea (100 words!)

* What type of teammates you’re looking for and how they can contact you

A example is given below.

If you have found your teammate or wish to withdraw your advertisement, please “Reply” to let us know.


Please note that your comments need to be approved before going public. Please be patient.


Term of Use

CUE endeavours to promote entrepreneurship among students in Coventry and hence this site is only for people who want to exchange ideas and form teams to start up their own ventures at the very early stage. No recruitment advertisements for existing and established companies please.

Information posted on this Site is in the public domain. If you post information on this Site, you do so at your own risk. You are solely responsible for the content that you post. By posting content on this Site, you warrant that you have permission to post the content on this Site. You also understand that any information or material that you post is public information, and that you have no expectation of privacy when you submit information or materials to this Site.


  1. CUE says:

    Coventry University Entrepreneurs (CUE) run one of the most successful business creation competitions in the world. Since 1999 CUE has evolved to being a key part of the University’s ecosystem for supporting and accelerating entrepreneurship and innovation. Our goal is to promote and nurture entrepreneurship among students in Coventry.

    We are currently looking for campus student representatives (CUE Reps, undergraduate, postgraduate or post-docs) to raise the awareness of CUE among students in Coventry. If you are interested, please let us know how you plan to achieve this by emailing recruitment@cue.org.uk.

  2. Scott Kelly says:

    HopSkip is a mobile phone application that ensures mobile phone users can connect even when they are out of signal of a cell phone tower. The application works by searching for other mobile phone users in the vicinity. It then transmits a signal over a chain of phones until a connection to the ‘real network’ is achieved.

    We are looking for a software engineer to develop the mobile phone application and demonstrate the principles of the technology. Opportunity for partnership in the team is offered. Please email sjk64@cam.ac.uk

  3. James Phillips says:

    Technical or Non-technical Co-founder required for website in pre-alpha (i.e. looks like 5h17 and doesn’t work yet) website.


    With the ever increasing complexity of our world, technologies, and the web, it’s getting increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction, objective research from speculation and opinion.

    How do those making important decisions access both sides of the argument, draw the facts together and distinguish them from assumptions and conjecture?

    http://ConstructiveDiscussion.com is primarily aimed at enabling scientists, thought leaders and policy makers to quickly discuss evidence and then form opinions on complex and contentious issues, basing those opinions on the underlying available evidence.


    Twitter @AJamesPhillips if you’re interested. This is a not-for-profit so no direct commercial route but some potential commercial opportunities we could explore if you find making money is also required to motivate you.

  4. Michael Worthington says:

    HubCiti (aka Projkt X) is web driven social enterprise that allows donors to get directly involved in the causes they support. At the core, we aim to end poverty and suffering in developing countries. We plan to do this by cataylsing socioeconomic development.

    As opposed to spreading aid thin across different locations, a nucleus of multiple development initiatives is set up – the hub. Those in need are helped and encouraged to relocate to the hub community for the benefits it offers.

    Groups that fund and run a range of projects are formed online. As a simple example, think of Farmville but in real life with more to challenges. A farm project can create jobs and sell or donate its produce. An individual donor has flexibility in how they reinvest their ROI. To encourage transparency and positive competition between groups and individual donors, the success of projects and HubCiti’s finances are published online.

    I am looking for a software engineer. I want to refine the dynamics of HubCiti further by look into gamification mechanics and site development that plugs into social networking. I am happy to be contacted by people who are not software engineers but are interested in being part of HubCiti. Please email ppyxmw@gmail.com

  5. Nico Perez says:

    Mixcloud is an exciting new Internet radio platform - a ‘Youtube for radio’. We host free DJ mixes, Podcasts and radio shows which anyone can stream on demand. Check it out now at http://mixcloud.com/about

    With offices in London and Coventry, we are a small team (10 people) but have a large audience of over 2 million listeners a month.

    We are looking for a web developer to join us for a paid internship this Easter or summer, which if successful could lead to a full time graduate position.

    The format of work will be project based and exciting (we are a small agile team who like to move fast).

    Please apply if you have:
    * Dynamic/scripting language experience (we use Python)
    * Javascript experience
    * HTML and CSS knowledge
    * UK/EU citizen

    To apply please visit http://mixcloud.com/jobs

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