Feb 2013 09

CUE’s £1K Award Ceremony promises a banquet of exhilarating business ideas, including pitches and poster presentations from all entrants of the £1K competition. Up to 10 £1K prizes will be given out during the evening.

If you submitted an entry, this event is not to be missed! You will find out if you are part one of the 10 best entrepreneur teams, you will have the chance to pitch in front of the audience and you will be able to network with mentors for the final stage of the competition.

For business professionals and those further along in their entrepreneurial journeys, join us to learn about the most promising new ideas coming out of the University of Coventry this year. The competition participants will get the chance to tell you more about their ideas during the elevator pitch segment and the poster session.

If you did not submit a 1K entry or have not thought much about entrepreneurship before, this event promises an exciting and potentially inspirational evening! The opportunity to hear from and network with oustanding entrepreneurs may provide the motivation you need to embark on your own entrepreneurial journey.

There will be free food, drinks and the chance to network with the senior executives and representatives from Horizon Discovery, ARM, RedGate, Coventry Angels, Coventry Enterprise, venture capitalists and CUE mentors.

This event is free and open to all, so please sign up now to avoid disappointment, as we do expect a large crowd!

See you soon,

CUE Team


Agenda of the evening:

18:00-18:30 Registration

18:30-18:45 Introduction of CUE and the Business Creation competition

18:45-19:15 Keynote speech from Laurence Kemball-Cook from Pavegen

19:15-20:00 Pitching session for 1K teams

20:00-20:15 Comments from the judges

20:15-20:30 Winner announcements

20:30-21:30 Networking and poster session


Speaker Profile:

Laurence Kemball-Cook is the founder and CEO of Pavegen, a technology company that has developed paving slabs that converts the kinetic energy from footsteps into electrical power. He originally developed the technology whilst at Loughborough University in 2009 and has taken the technology across the world and manages a team of 25, headquartered in London. This electrical energy can be stored in on-board batteries, or used immediately for applications such as lighting, signage, wireless data-collection and charging docking stations. The first of these Pavegen tiles were installed to power lighting at the West Ham tube station in line with the London 2012 Olympics.

Having recently taken centre stage at the United Nations in New York City, Laurence has also given 3 TED talks, in Palm Springs, London and Rio de Janerio. Most recently, he was awarded the Individual Energy prize at the World Technology Awards in 2012, which recognises individuals doing ‘innovative work of the greatest likely long-term significance’.

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