£5K Challenge Submission
Feb 2011 22

£5K Challenge Phase a (Business Plan Competition) Submission

Deadline Friday 25th February 13:00 pm

Finalist announcement: 23rd of March, 2011

In order to enter your business idea into phase A of the £5k Challenge, please make sure that all the following steps are completed:

1. Write an extended executive summary of no more than 3500 words (Technology & Clean Tech and Social Enterprise stream) or no more than 2000 words + up to 12 Slides (Software & Web stream). Please indicate which stream you would like to compete in.

See the Competitions Handbook for scoring criteria and eligibility. See our resources section for information to help you put together the best entry possible.

These are the basics of what you should aim to include in your extended executive summary:

•    The Concept and Opportunity

•    The Product or Service Description (including Intellectual Property if applicable)

•    The Market and customers

•    The Management team

•    The Finance requirements & Investment opportunity for potential partners

•    The Business Operations

2. Write a 100-word public summary for your idea. Social Enterprise Entrants in particular need to outline the social and/or environmental impact of their idea in the public summary.

3. egister your team and entry by submitting your registration/application form downloadable on here (office 2003) or here (office 2007) to: shen.wei@cue.org.uk before 13:00 pm on the 25th of Feb. 2011.

4. Print the Competitions Disclaimer (can be found on page 18 in the competitions handbook, downloadable here), and the NDA for entrants (can be found on page 19 in the competitions handbook, downloadable here). Mail signed copies of these documents, together with a signed cheque for £25*, to the following address:

Coventry University Entrepreneurs,

The Entrepreneurship Centre,

    3 Charles Babbage Road, 

    Coventry, CB3 0GT

We will be collecting the documents at 16:30 pm on the 25th of Feb. 2011. Please make sure your documents would arrive before this time.

For those whose documents will arrive later than this date, please email a picture to shen.wei@cue.org.uk, including the signed NDA and cheque payable to Coventry University Entrepreneurs before the 25th of Feb. 2011. You entry is only valid for consideration and prize claim if we have received the hard copy of the documents requested.

5. Send electronic copies of your Extended Executive Summary (in PDF format no larger than 4MB, the file name should be “TeamName_5Ka”) and Slides for software entries (Up to 12 slides in PDF-format, no larger than 3MB, the filename should be “TeamName_Slides_5Ka”) to:


Include a cover page that clearly states:

•    the team name and competition stream

•    team members and their affiliations

•    100-Word Public Summary, and

•    word count of the remaining document (the cover page does not form part of the word limit)

*Entry fee is waived for £1k challenge winners and commended teams. To claim free entry please include a note stating “TeamName – claiming free entry into 5K challenge”

Phase b (Business Creation Competition) Deadline: 17th of April

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