£1k Entrant


Company Description

E-ceipts is a state of the art receipt storage and management system. It would replace the current chip and pin integrated circuit with a read/writable micro SD storage card(or similar) that can be read by a PC card reader. This would subsequently allow the replacement of traditional paper receipts with a more dependable digital equivalent, thus eliminating the problem of paper waste and facilitating personal accounting.


Daniel Neal
Jamie Freeman




Company Description

Camerge is an algorithm that uses modern CCD/CMOS cameras to their full potential, both cheap camera-phones and high-end professional cameras, adding significant value. One of the most difficult issues with photography, particularly for the amateur, is the combination of lighting, aperture, and exposure time. Camerge solves this problem computationally, and can be applied automatically within cameras. Computational cost is orders of magnitude lower than that of competing 'High Dynamic Range' algorithms, and results are based on a human eye model, dramatically improving perceived image quality. The algorithm can also be applied to CCTV cameras, significantly aiding security staff.


Shamus Husheer
Dan Hagon




Company Description

A vast population of small business innovators have limited recourse to conventional means of generating investment. Larger publicly listed companies raise capital by trading company securities on the stock market or through loans from banking institutions. Conversely, the first time entrepreneur with an innovative concept but no prior business record has limited means to obtain investment. The CamI-E aims to revolutionise the fund raising capacity of this segment of the entrepreneurial population. The concept proposed here provides a means for small businesses and start-up companies to generate investment through direct potential customer interaction, thereby enabling the entrepreneur to quickly assess consumer interest and generate investment through positive consumer response.


Kiran Singh




Company Description

In vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing constitutes less than 1% of the global US$2,500 billion healthcare industry, but plays the decisive role in most medical decisions, and helps save across the entire healthcare spectrum. Driven by clinical, social and economic pressures coupled with new technologies and IT capabilities, IVD industry is shifting to rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) to minimise the requirement of technical expertise and analysis time. Capnosis exploits a novel nucleic acid- based technology to provide superior RDT products for unmet markets. Our tests efficiently address the two most significant challenges in public healthcare: cost and safety.


Hang TT Le




Company Description

The market for 'exotic' spicy food is a rapidly growing sector in European and US markets. Most alcoholic beverages including beer and wine are poorly suited to accompany spicy dishes as they do not dissolve the active ingredient, chilli, leaving the customer with an unpleasant burn which compromises any further possible culinary experience. We propose to develop and market a functional premium lager that combines the taste and appearance of beer with the ability to provide relief for the burning sensation of spicy foods.


Lars Gredsted
Beatriz Senan-C...
Christian Edlich



ChitoSci Solutions

Company Description

Shrimp is a major seafood product in many Asian countries. 40-50% of the entire shrimp is processed for consumption. The remainder is waste and is discarded. This waste is either used as land fill (causing land pollution) or as an ingredient in the animal feed industry. When this waste is deproteinated and demineralised effectively, chitin, protein, calcium, and axthaxanthin, can be obtained. The deacetylated derivative of chitin is chitosan, which has numerous valuable applications. ChitoSci Solutions intends to exploit the opportunity in the chitin-chitosan market, turning this biowaste into valuable ecologically friendly biopolymers with a new fermentation technology.


Ramesh N Dass
Shrinivas Rao
Anita Vasu



Code Masters

Company Description

Each day requires a lot of effort to remember access codes for PC, office and personal email, e-banking, Paypal and a lot of other online accounts. One is constantly reminded (and forced) to change passwords and make them as complicated as possible which makes memorising very difficult. A portable password storage device would allow easy and safe access to all the passwords by protecting them with a single master code. Such an electronic assistant would greatly reduce the amount of detailed information to be memorised and would make the use of the consumer technologies involving security codes much more user-friendly.


Domantas Jankauskas
Tomas Sudnius




Company Description

COMS is a web-based Information Communication Network Infrastructured designed to link departmental outlets to suppliers via the consignment sales line. COMS will serve as a centralized source of communication between the 2 parties, guaranteed to improve management of suppliers, increase cashflow and reduce losses.


Ng Yi Chung




Company Description

It is 3am, free-lance architect is racing to meet a key deadline. Without warning, the design package stops responding. Where to get instant help? DEEGURU provides 'one-click' solution to 24-7 remote IT-management and support to small businesses and home offices(SOHO). DEGURU takes over the preventative maintenance and security of client's systems at flat-rate. When needing more support, one mouse-click connects the struggling user and their machine with our expert. DEEGURU targets $30 billion IT-services market for SOHO. Thanks to flexible demand-driven employment of home-based students and IT-experts overseas, it can provide customers with services previously available only to corporate clients.


Oleg Podsechin
Vaclav Potesil
Robin Chrystie




Company Description

As global populations expand, the need for the efficient use of diminishing farmland and the maximisation of crop return is becoming increasingly crucial. Environmental pressures and the rapidly developing resistance of crops to conventional pesticides have raised interest in the study of more ecologically friendly methods of insect population control. Additionally, future pest control methods will need to address certain other criteria including but not limited to; safety, specificity and environmental impact. Control methods that address these concerns will have a significant advantage over existing products. Azadigm aims to address the problems associated with current pesticide usage.


Lala Gregorek
Lisa Bate
Nicholas Smalle



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