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The 3P Finalists 2003-04


Not-for-Profit Catagory
For-Profit Catagory


3P Not-for-Profit Finalists


Aidworld Humanitarian ICT
Aidworld is a not-for-profit company whose team of experienced aidworkers and IT engineers are developing software that allows those with a slow/unreliable connection to the internet to use email and access websites. Aidworld has been running on a voluntary basis for two years and is now seeking funding to develop and deploy this technology worldwide.


Dehkan Supporters
"Dehkan Supporters" is a not-for-profit organization that creates economic oportunities for economically disadvantaged farmers in Uzebekistan. We link low-income producers in Uzebekistan with consomer markets in other countries to foster a more sustainable system of production and fair rade that benefits people.


Futu-Education - Light Box
The Light Box project delivers an educational tool for learning in the dark for developing countries facing lack of electricity. With the strong belief that improvements on education levels have a positive long term impact in communities' well being, the team has identified those people at critical disadvantage as potential users. The integral strategy to make the Light Box available includes an intelligent and easy design that can be used by children and adults without difficulties. Promotional and placing campaigns through NGO's and donors are also considered. Financial projections are calculated with the objective to place 40,000 Light Boxes in the market in a time horizon of 10 years.


3P For-Profit Finalists


ACCIS International
ACCIS is a for promit climate asset management consultancy and financial products provider. We help small and medium size installations participate in the EU Emissions Trading System by providing emissions verification and auditing serves and by reducing their risk exposure to the new market. We also aim to use funds generated by the EU Emissions Trading System to fund projects that contribute to sustainable development in developing countries


Accurate and cost-effective diagnosis of infectious diseases lies at the basis of any health-system's effort to address treatment and control strategies. DiagnovIS procides a nobel, more precise, cheaper and user-friendly method for diagnosing infections that are priorities globally, and especially in developing countries: including malaria, ghonnorhea and chlamydia. Our compact automated microscopic diagnosis product is based on a PC-platform, with artificial intelligence software that has high sensitivity for distinct infectious agents. Our business model not only addresses global health priorities, but does this in a profitable and sustainable way. The market for the DiagnovIS diagnostic product and associated pathogen image and diagnostic information database and epidemic monitoring system and includes rural and urban clinics, hospitals, international airports, research institutes, governments and non-governmental organisations.


Loaf by Loaf
Loaf By Loaf will be a premiere for-profit producer and supplier of luxurious, healthy and original breads & bread products. In the UK Loaf By Loaf puts bread at the centre of the takeaway food market through product innovation and by providing a modern gastronomic bread expierence for our clients. We are also a committed social franchise that equips legally designated refugees with transferable skills and entrepreneurship opportunities.