About CUE


The organization was established in boom time of IT (est. 1999) catering to the demand and creation of surge of entrepreneurial firms in the IT Sector. Since starting the society has seen a change in culture in the University. There is now increased interest in entrepreneurship, within both the student community and the corporate sector. So far, we have distributed over £250,000 in prizes and helped to create many businesses, headed by students and members of the university. This makes the society one of the largest of its type in the world and we are globally recognised as one of the best.

CUE has been organising business creation competitions since 1999. We started with the £30k and £1k competitions; the former a business creation competition and the latter focusing on creating business ideas. The £30k competition has evolved to become the ‘£50k Business Creation Competition’. The ‘3P (People, Planet, Productivity) Business Creation Competition ’ was later launched to encourage social and environmental entrepreneurship.

Following the great success of ‘Where Angels Dare’ in May 2005, it was a logical progression for the 50K Business Creation Competition, to move on a stage and become the CUE Business Creation Competition (CUEBiC). The new CUEBiC will bring in more involvement from the Coventry business community and challenge the participants with more real-life business scenarios. The winners of the competition will be awarded an opportunity to make their pitch for investment to a panel of respected business angels and seed funds.