£50k Finalist

InDepth Vision

Company Description

A 3D display that requires no head gear.


Christian Moller



Cambridge Laboratory Innovations Ltd

Company Description

Cambridge Laboratory Innovatios' novel VirginCollector product will allow for automation of the virgin fruit fly collection process, providing large savings in time and efficiency for researchers in this field.


Julian Huppert
Marc d'Abbadie
Marta Zlatic
Marions Kallikourdis
Marie Huber



Cambridge InnoVision

Company Description

Cambridge InnoVision is about the automatic generation of 3D models from real objects.


Martin Weber
Ambili Mair
Nittai Madrid
Rangi Robinson



Biomask Applications

Company Description

BioMask Application (BMA) intends to manufacture customised laser-resistant adhesive biopolymer barriers that protect undamaged skin from intense laser treatment.


Phil Gaughwin
Johnny Han He
Crystal X. Li
Shu Wenmiao



SimuGen Ltd

Company Description

SimuGen is a gene profiling company applying techniques from computational biology and wet lab research to provide cheaper ethical healthcare. SimuGen creates value by bringing to market an analytically powerful solution to ascribe the toxicity of compounds, thereby extensively reducing downstream animal testing. This transcribes into vastly reduced costs and timelines in preclinical testing. Protection of our assets will be mediated through our proprietary databank of gene expression profiles and will be reinforced by future patents on our gene combinations and algorithms. As a platform technology our solution is easily transferable to a range of other markets, including personal care.


Quin Wills
Daniel Sheehan
Bernard Leong




Company Description

Depression and anxiety are poorly diagnosed in primary care. There is a clear need for a reliable, convenient diagnostic system for use in this setting. MoodLab combines cutting-edge technology with statistical models in a hand-held device to provide a reliable, office-based, diagnostic system for depression and anxiety for use I nprimary and specialist care.


Gerard Harper
Alex Maurer
Jan Psrokonski
Ian Goodyer



Composites Innovations International (c2i)

Company Description

c2i aims to become a world-leading carbon fibre composites design, engineering and production company. It will enjoy high growth and margins due to its low cost Slovak manufacturing base and low cost production processes yielding 30-50% total cost savings in a $42 billion industry. c2i will design and manufacture its own products, the first being a revolutionary carbon fibre wheelchair. c2i will also pursue subcontracting for the aerospace, automotive, boat and leisure industry. c2is first contract is a revolutionary prefabricated palm tree house aimed at 5 star hotels and wealthy families gardens.


Patrick Hessel




Company Description

Linguit is a human language technology company whose first product is Nuggets, an SMS based internet search engine. Nuggets wallows mobile phone subscribers to text their questions to a service number and receive answers within seconds. The market for premium information services is expected to grow to $100 million by 2006 in the UK alone, a fraction of the billion dollar information services market. Other companies provide SMS based question and answer services but use people to search the internet, whereas Nuggets is automated. Nuggets is much faster than these competing services and costs much less to provide.


David Mrva
Jochen Leidner
Michael S. Cann Jr.
Tiphaine Dalmas
Maciej Zurawski




Company Description

Recent work at the University of Cambridge has led to the discovery of a new supercapacitive material capable of storing 10 times more electrical energy than competing materials. Consequently, the patent-protected Cam-Cap supercapacitor is able to combine the large energy storage capacity of batteries with the rapid power delivery capabilities of capacitors to meet new customer needs that cannot be satisfied using other existing energy storage materials. The advantages of the Cam-Cap supercapacitors are particularly apparent in the rapidly expanding high performance energy storage markets associated with environmentally friendly alternatives in the transport and power generation industries.


Mark Hughes




Company Description

There are 130,000 patients worldwide who undergo peritoneal kidney dialysis using 200 million consumable fluid packs annually. Users under the current system have a 1 in 200 chance of getting a serious infection every year during the connection process. Due to the poor design of current systems, patients experience gatal infections, irritating rashes, general discomfort and difficulty in operating the critical equipment. ConnectEases technology dramatically reduces the rate of infection and training time required, whilst addressing the issues of patient comfort and ergonomics. Expected revenues are 500 million by 2010 and 1.3 billion by 2015.


Jude Gomila
Julia Gadsden
Kaoruko Yamazaki
Vincent Simonetti



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