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Enterprise Tuesday, 2007/08
Enterprise Tuesday: Lifestyle or Global Business
Submitted by Tom Craig on Tue, 16/10/2023 - 18:04.Eric Baker, Viagogo
Your personal goals need to match your business goals in order for your idea to take off. This US entrepreneur who has relocated to the UK will explain his motivations and ambitions. You decide!
Enterprise Tuesday: Motivation - Why We Do It
Submitted by Tom Craig on Tue, 16/10/2023 - 18:00.Alex van Someren, co-founder and CEO of nCipher and CfEL Entrepreneur in Residence
Dr Nicko van Someren, co-founder and CTO of nCipher
Why enterprise and entrepreneurship are important and understanding the key behaviours of successful entrepreneurs.
Enterprise Tuesday
Enterprise Tuesday is a free evening programme open to the local business community and all the staff and students of the University of Cambridge. Enterprise Tuesday introduces participants the world of business and inspires individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions.
Each evening concludes with a networking session, fuelled by drinks and refreshments, which is the ideal place to find business ideas and potential team members. CUE committee members are always present at Enterprise Tuesday, so please come and ask us any questions you may have.
Enterprise Tuesday is organised by the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) and is the most popular non-assessed programme within the University. For more information, please visit the CfEL website.
All Enterprise Tuesdays for 2007/08
All Enterprise Tuesdays for 2006/07