Silicon Valley comes to Coventry!

Would you like to rub shoulders with the people behind Linkedin, Flickr, Technorati, Nearbynow, Yahoo,, Lovefilm, Google, Yahoo, Excite, PayPal, and more?

This month over a dozen highly successful Silicon Valley entrepreneurs will be visiting Coventry for a three-day conference, and we are giving you the opportunity to mix informally with them.

We're looking for volunteers to accompany the entrepreneurs from their hotel to various venues in central Coventry at which they will be speaking, including the Union and the Judge Business School.

To apply, please send us 150 words about yourself and why you'd like to meet these entrepreneurs, along with a photo (small JPEG) and an indication of your availability at the following sessions:

  • Evening, Thu 15 Nov
  • Morning, Fri 16 Nov
  • Afternoon, Fri 16 Nov
  • Evening, Fri 16 Nov
  • Morning, Sat 17 Nov

You do not have to be available for all of these sessions - even if you can do just one, you are welcome to apply.

Please send these details to as soon as possible, and certainly by Tuesday 6th November. Selections will be announced by 11th November.