Training Events
Sponsors and supporters of CUE play a vital role in enabling us to deliver such a comprehensive training programme combined with the opportunity to participate in one-to-one mentoring programmes.
A sample from last years sessions
Finance lectures
hosted by
Paul Schofield
David Roth
Arther Andersen
, gave last years 50K participants an opportunity to do a dry run with their finances, exploring potential problems with experts on hand to answer questions and to help you balance those books!
A guide to the market and marketing your product:
Peter White
, chairman of
, opened the eyes of many with their
guide to the market and marketing your product. The lecture explored the process of developing a marketing plan, from the initial analysis, to the strategy and the tactics, to the implementation and the evaluation. Stress was placed on the idea that more important than the uniqueness of the idea, is the uniqueness of the ability to implement it.
This year's lecture will cover a variety of topics including the business review; detection of problems and opportunities; establishing sales objectives; establishing marketing objectives; developing the strategies; determining the communication goals; developing the tactics; working on the budget, the time, and the payback; executing the plan; and evaluating it.