Coventry £1,000 (1K) Competition
Informative and exciting, this competition is for people who are interested in starting their own business but don't know how. The competition is run over the Michaelmas and Lent terms, and the events are open to all CUE members.
The Michaelmas term is packed with exciting events designed to introduce competitors to various people in the business world including entrepreneurs, business angels, and new start-ups. These will be accompanied by social events where people can discuss ideas, talk to the speakers and make new contacts. To round off the term, people will get the chance to have their ideas reviewed by an independent judging panel comprised of local Venture Capitalists(VC's). These will be given back to competitors at the Ideas Review Session at the end of term.
Over Lent term we will be providing serious skills lectures to help people build on their ideas. All aspects of writing an executive summary will be covered. This will be run along side pub meetings where competitors can meet local businesspeople and entrepreneurs. At the end of Lent term is the chance for you to win £1000, just put the idea and executive summary together and submit it to another independent panel of judges. Last year several competitors went on to start companies, some of them didn't even win! | 